One of the UK’s leading ‘Applied Universities’

Northampton Waterside Enterprise Zone

Facilitating economic growth through the Waterside Enterprise Zone.

Carlsberg, Cosworth and the University of Northampton already call Northampton Waterside home.

Whether you’re a developer interested in one of the prime waterside sites, or a growing business looking for a new home, Northampton Waterside could match your ambitions.

Waterside covers 120 hectares of brownfield land along the River Nene, and is more than a standard development site. It’s a diverse business district, home to a booming commercial community in the centre of the country.

There are over 20 different sites in the zone, all offering something different, including:

  • Business rate relief
  • Simplified planning process: Any development proposal within the Enterprise Zone boundary will benefit from a quicker and simpler planning process. Many sites are covered by a Local Development Order, meaning there are permitted development rights for certain types of commercial buildings in the area.
  • Infrastructure investment: Public sector partners are investing in the infrastructure to support success. This includes an iconic new railway station, which is located in the centre of the zone.
  • Superfast Broadband
Cosworth - Working in Northampton