Cosworth in Northampton - business


Northampton is an innovative, forward-thinking and fast-growing place to grow your business.

Entrepreneurialism is in our DNA and evident in the army of successful companies that call Northampton home.

Northampton is the perfect location in which to drive change, and we want you to be a part of it.

We can help with everything you need to grow your business here.

From access to finance and the best talent to excellent connectivity and lower operating costs.

State of the art University Campus

With a state of the art University campus at the heart of the town centre, there’s a strong supply of talent and access to world-leading research and development capabilities.

We’re home to major brands like Barclays, Cosworth, Carlsberg, Travis Perkins and Nationwide.

These businesses along with a dynamic SME community and young growing enterprises are making Northampton a major hotbed of business growth.

We believe all of this, coupled with a fantastic quality of life make Northampton one of the very best places in the UK to live, work and do business.

Northampton University campus - business

Business Sectors