We are committed to achieving net zero by 2050.
The current climate change risk poses a real and significant threat. Communities, the environment, and the economy will be severely affected without significant changes to the way we live, work, and travel. That’s why we’ve made some firm commitments in West Northants. They include:

- Establishing a net zero emission economy by 2050.
- Encouraging low carbon businesses to invest and grow in the area.
- Ensuring that any interventions support improvements to air quality and health across West Northants.
- Focusing on economic development approaches to address transport, buildings, waste, energy, procurement and green infrastructure.
- Ensuring that cutting carbon presents economic opportunities for companies in West Northants through the development of local programmes of activity.
- Working with existing businesses and employers to improve their environmental performance
- Developing residents’ low carbon awareness and skills to be able to secure local jobs.
- Encouraging innovative and inclusive local growth.
West Northamptonshire Council has committed to:
- Achieving Net Zero on all council operations by 2030 and those of residents and businesses by 2045
- Taking a community leadership role for Sustainability in West Northants
- Ensuring all Council strategies and policies are aligned to and contribute to the delivery of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals
Find out more information on the Sustainable West Northants page