Our identity is formed from a long history of entrepreneurialism and ingenuity, it’s what we like to call our ‘Independent Spirit’.
We are a natural home for original thinkers and people who like to challenge convention.
We’ve always been ahead of the curve, in the English Civil War we championed democracy by siding with Parliament against the king.
Two great examples of the ‘Independent Spirit’ of Northampton are celebrated in the town centre.
Francis Crick’s achievements as part of the ground-breaking scientific team who identified the structure of DNA are celebrated in an 8-metre high steel sculpture called ‘Discovery’ on Abington Street.
Charles Bradlaugh who was a controversial freethinker and founder of the Secular Society was a pioneering champion of equality and fairness.
Northampton remains a place where you can make a mark. There’s a welcoming and supportive environment, and you’ll be surrounded by people who champion democracy, fairness and equality.
Great stories are emerging every day from our purpose led businesses, our artists and makers, our ground-breaking university researchers and our amazing community leaders.

Our Three Pillars

There’s a pride in Northampton, born of true craftsmanship and innovation.
We’re world renowned for hand-crafted, quality goods. So much so that global design giant, Prada, invested here.
We’re forward thinking and constantly seeking enhancement and improvement.
Northampton is a vibrant mix of craft and industry where artisan makers and producers sit alongside high growth small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and large corporations in a high performing modern economy.

Our cultural heritage is broad and fascinating.
Our medieval roots are deep, and our industrial exploits over the centuries have created a unique townscape, which celebrates gothic, classical and modernist architecture in equal measure.
We are home to original thinkers and have always provided a platform for those who challenge convention.
From the creator of DNA, Francis Crick, to champion of equality Charles Bradlaugh.

Our population has grown significantly over the years by welcoming vibrant and diverse new communities.
We value togetherness and champion fairness.
The University of Northampton is a thought-leader in social innovation and impact and have a dynamic and resilient cluster of social enterprises.
Our ambition is to be a place of opportunity for all.